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This is the independent WEB site for the Society Hill at Piscataway Condominium Association, located in Piscataway, NJ. This site is not sponsored, endorsed, or supported by the Association, the Board of Trutees, or the Managment Company. It is run by a former member of the Board of Trustees.

Much of the content from the prior Association's WEB site has been moved here. However, since this site is not connected to the management systems, it no longer supports on-line service requests, reminders, on-line payments and account history, and owner/tenant/vehicle updating.

If you are looking for the Association's official new WEB site, they don't really have one - it's just a payment portal for the monthly fees.

Election is Tue. Oct 22, Voting Deadline! by Kevin Wine, Oct 19, 2024, 1:54 PM, reply, branch, edit

The 2024 Annual Meeting and Election will be taking place on Tuesday, October 22nd, 7PM, both at the clubhouse in person, and via zoom. This means the deadline to vote is very near!

Every indication is that this election will be very close. It is still critical to vote, if you haven't already done so. Given that there are only a few days to go before the election, you have 3 options:

1-If you still have your original ballot/proxy and the envelopes, complete the forms and put the envelope in the big blue mailbox at the clubhouse. There is not enough time to put it in the mail - put it directly in the blue mailbox. Instructions are here:

2-Complete the proxy form to assign a proxy holder, and have them vote for you. This is your only option at this point in time if you live far away. This is what "Box 2" is for on the proxy form. You can then scan or take a picture of your proxy form, and email it to You must email it directly - they won't accept the emailed proxy unless it comes directly from your email address. A sample proxy is here, with me appointed as proxy holder to vote for you:

And here is the blank proxy form you can fill out:

3-Show up in person to the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, at 7PM, and vote in person. If you do this, make sure to show up around 7PM - if you are too late after 7PM, they probably won't let you vote.

The candidate profiles are here, if you want to read their statements:

There are 6 candidates this year. I am supporting the first 3 candidates on the ballot: Fatma Ahsan, John Fakla, and Zahid Khan.

The maintenance fees are going up. The only question is by how much. If the current board leadership remains in control of this board, I am certain they will increase the fees to well over $300/month. They are already talking about the $340/month range. They are unable to consider or understand bigger-picture ways of controlling the fees, and will continue their pattern of scraping for pennies and cutting services while at the same wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars on over-priced contractor jobs in Society Hill. They will continue to run the association in their hard-nosed, impersonal, and adversarial style. I know this appeals to some owners, but it's a small number of owners, and the vast majority would prefer otherwise. I really get the feeling that some of the current trustees like the fact that we have ended up in this situation, and find some kind of satisfaction in having to impose a large fee increase on us. I'm sure some of this satisfaction comes from their attempt to blame it all on me, while I have had near zero control of anything here for the last 6+ years.


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Recent Highlights

Massive 2025 Fee Increase Nov 24
It took a little over 5 years, but the $300+/month maintenance fees are finally here. At the Novembe more...

2024 Election Results Oct 24
The 2024 Election took place on Tuesday. The results were: Fatma Ahsan - 103 John Fakla - 91 Zahid more...

Election is Tue. Oct 22, Voting Deadline! Oct 19
The 2024 Annual Meeting and Election will be taking place on Tuesday, October 22nd, 7PM, both at the more...

2025 Fee Increase, Another Rejection Proxy, Election Update Sep 28
At the first attempted annual meeting and election on September 17th, about 190 proxy/ballots had be more...

2024 Election Starts NOW, Candidate's Night Tue. Aug 20 Aug 16
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