Terms of Service Agreement
This site contains areas in which users may display their own content, including messages, pictures, audio, and video. You are responsible for your content and therefore responsible for following general guidelines of what is acceptable for public display. Inappropriate, offensive, or illegal content is not permitted. The site owner, either directly or through mechanisms of peer review, reserves the right to block in whole or redact in part, any such inappropriate content.
You agree not to hold the site owner responsible for any user provided content, even if such content is in viloation of these Terms of Service and somehow manages to temporarily bypass the internal review mechanisms. The site owner is not reposible for the accuracy or reliability of any content, user-provided or otherwise, nor does the site owner necessarily endorse any of the opinions expressed by the users.
Users retain the rights to any conent provided by them, however you grant the site owner a non-exclusive royalty free license to use your content on this site. All other content is copyright by the site owner.
Privacy Policy
Any personal information collected on this site, such as email addresses and phone numbers, will not be shared with or sold to any third parties. Users of this site will not have access to the personal information of any other users, beyond what those other users intentionally display in the public forums.
Any content you intentionally provide for public display, can and likely will be displayed on publiclly viewable pages, and will be accessible by any other internet user anywhere in the world. Any content you intentionally provide for public display may also be found and copied by various internet search applications and stored by them, possibly in perpetuity.
You will not receive any un-solicited email messages from the site with the exception of administrative notices regarding, among other things, changes to these Terms of Service, changes in the operating status of the site, and security alerts such as changes to your account settings, successful logins, and unsuccessful login attempts. You will receive email messages and notices you elect to receive.
This site maintains extensive internal logs of all accesses to the sites contents which may include the logging of your IP address, your WEB browser identifier, and other electronic identifiying information that may be available with or without your knowledge. The conetents of these logs will not be shared with or sold to any third parties.
Governing Law
These Terms of Service are governed by the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of New Jersey.
From time to time, changes or additions may be made to these Terms of Service. You will be notified of those changes by email and/or a notice upon login to the site.