19:01:17 From Kevin Wine : Hi! 19:01:45 From Shanno's iPhone : Hello everyone 1 - Removal estimates 2 - Alternative solution 3 - Legal Update and Efforts 4 - Town Involvement 5 - Next event - Zoom, in-person, rally? Anything else?? Other ideas? My contact info: Kevin Wine 201-401-6129 kwine@optonline.net www.savethehill.org 19:07:59 From Sean : +1 stick to the agenda please 🙂 19:08:18 From Subhasis Biswas : Two questions: What chemicals specifically is the dirt contaminated with? How would this be remediated? Do we (Kevin) have an attorney? 19:09:25 From Amit441 : In last society Hill meeting, there was mr.lopez who has his nephew doing such job- can we get his advise on it 19:09:36 From Subhasis Biswas : Have various bids for remediation been obtained? Do we have access to those? Do we have a say in what company is gone with? 19:09:57 From Subhasis Biswas : Do we have access to the lab reports? 19:10:34 From Subhasis Biswas : What is the relationship between the remediation company and the society hill board? 19:11:22 From Ryan Guasp : hear hear 19:12:42 From Sean : Please mute everyone and once you are done Kevin, you can unmute one at a time. 19:13:06 From Lily : Mute everybody 19:14:18 From john’s iPhone : GIVE US THE REPORTS AND PAPERWORK. Bottom line! 19:14:43 From Dave ungco : 😅 19:16:31 From Jules : now I know who to vote off next election 19:16:59 From Atif Nazir : That is right, sign the petitions 19:17:24 From Ishaan Mirza(503 Vernon Ct) : She is disturbing the meetings. mute her please 19:18:28 From Lily : She's not helping. mute her 19:20:54 From Dave ungco : Yes syed spoke last meeting he knows his stuff on this dirt stuff 19:22:45 From Amit441 : I agree with Syed and there is no transparency 19:22:52 From Dave ungco : Idk yea no one answers anything here takes while yo get things fixed for the house too 19:23:07 From Dave ungco : Idk normally stacey is on it but she dropping the ball 19:23:14 From Steve : THANK YOU SYED! 19:23:54 From Ishaan Mirza(503 Vernon Ct) : thank you Syed!! this makes complete sense. 19:23:57 From Sean : Syed, thank you for very informational, detailed and measured response! 19:24:07 From Sean : I am signing the petition now! 19:24:19 From Lily : Thank you Syed! 19:24:48 From selina : Syed, thank you for the information. Very informative. 19:24:48 From yyhch_000 : Thanks, Syed! 19:25:26 From Adnan Munir : Thanks Syed 19:25:41 From Ryan Guasp : talk in chat 19:28:04 From Ryan Guasp : Please talk in the chat 19:28:37 From Robert Hackett : Please stay on topic. 19:28:51 From George Tsacnaris : A vent-fest helps nothing and nobody. Focus on solutions. 19:29:25 From laurahaus : Where is the board 19:29:35 From Lily : Mute her 19:29:54 From George Tsacnaris : Patti just got home. Give her a break. 19:30:00 From Sean : This is a very fair ask. Pls provide the environmental report to Syed and for that matter to all the residents. 19:30:04 From Marilyn : We had 2 million dollars in reserve I. 2008, in 2018 we only had $250,000 in reserve. Kevin spent all our money. 19:30:58 From Dave ungco : Ask her if she can gets docs yes! 19:31:25 From laurahaus : If this is so new to board members why did the letter go out asking for $2,000.00 ? 19:31:36 From George Tsacnaris : Patti - thanks for any help you can provide. Sorry some folks are being rude. 19:31:55 From Kevin Wine : Reserves were at $581k in August 2018 - I found the reserve account statement the other day. It was not $250k 19:32:19 From Subhasis Biswas : Patti: Keep learning but stop talking!! Please 19:32:23 From Dave ungco : Lol we have to work together here 19:32:24 From Amit441 : Board do not have permit from Township 19:32:42 From George Tsacnaris : Last week we were told the Contract was already executed with the company. Right? 19:33:13 From Amit441 : Contract is executed BUT we have not received a permission yet from PWAY township 19:33:26 From Amit441 : Every Home owner should call mayor office 19:33:38 From Kathy : Kevin, where did all the reserve go to? 19:34:32 From Amit441 : Syed should be provided this information next of meeting.. 19:35:45 From George Tsacnaris : MARY IS NOT on this call. She is not feeling well. 19:35:55 From Robert Hackett : RFQ must have included soil report. 19:35:59 From Monil Shah : No. 1 - Stop yelling ? 19:36:34 From Subhasis Biswas : I think we should send Patty the list of wants in an email so there can be no confusion regarding what information is required. 19:37:27 From Brian McGeough : IF they will not give the Soil reports can the nice engineer have an Environmental Company he trusts do a new soil test report? 19:39:53 From iPhone : What is the concerning contaminant in the soil? 19:39:59 From Monil Shah : Is there any email chain including all homeowners? 19:40:28 From Kevin Wine : We need the other bids that were submitted. 19:40:48 From Kevin Wine : We need the a copy of the contract that was signed. 19:40:58 From Subhasis Biswas : Patti is sent by the board to disrupt the meeting! 19:41:09 From Kevin Wine : We need the request for proposals that the board sent out for the bidders? 19:41:32 From Brian McGeough : So if no one can get through to Stacey then Stacey should not be representing all the homeowners. 19:41:59 From Amit441 : Agree - Stacey or Towne & Country should not be here 19:42:17 From Adnan Munir : Patty, you should also sign the petition 19:42:20 From Amit441 : SAME COMPANY WHO IS DOING ROOFING WORK 19:42:43 From Brian McGeough : We are new owners at 464 Harwick Court. We also own a condo in Florida. We just hired a new manamgemtn company. Maybe it’s time. 19:43:09 From john’s iPhone : We need all of the paperwork 19:43:26 From Kevin Wine : Probably safer without a management company!! Nothing but trouble.. 19:43:27 From john’s iPhone : I requested it from the town and DEP 19:43:28 From Steve : We need all the paperwork! 19:43:35 From Anita : Stacey and Town & Country should go, so things can move smoothly at less cost. Town & Country is just charging fees that are not needed and provide no service. Stacey doesn’t even respond or try to help the homeowners. 19:44:32 From iPhone (4) : no estimates were received! how can u ask for $2000 per home owner roads are a disaster nets not repaired numbers on building cannot be seen where is the money going? 19:44:40 From Ishaan Mirza(503 Vernon Ct) : get back to the agenda if we have more topics... 19:44:57 From Ladylaura : How can we get the board to stop charging us this money? 19:44:58 From iPhone (4) : is t there a surplus to pay for this? 19:45:09 From Atif Nazir : Kevin, please mute all. Allow one person at a time 19:45:32 From Ishaan Mirza(503 Vernon Ct) : stick to Agenda 19:45:38 From iPhone (4) : can we stay on topic 19:45:40 From George Tsacnaris : MUTE ALL. 19:46:12 From Amit441 : @SYED - Please send email to Patty if she can help to needed reports. 19:46:13 From iPhone (4) : sounds good 19:46:30 From iPhone (4) : yes what are the alternatives 19:47:02 From Robert Hackett : Resume projects now canceled. 19:47:16 From Sean : Stopping the project is very important. 19:47:21 From Steve : Thank you Syed! 19:48:04 From Steve : Do not start project 19:48:15 From Sean : Yes, do NOT start the project. 19:48:23 From iPhone (4) : All board members should sign they have no conflict of interests with the vendors considered 19:48:28 From Ryan Guasp : Thank you Syed! 19:49:22 From Robert Hackett : Stopping this contract and resuming prior approved projects is imperative. 19:49:24 From Amit441 : Every home owner should call Mayor office 19:49:41 From Ishaan Mirza(503 Vernon Ct) : please share the document about fines with us. what actually it is. 19:50:42 From sharon coney : yes the new management came in and dropped the ball. 19:50:59 From Amit441 : While talking to Mayor's office - you can raise concern about PWAY TOWNSHIP's unrealistic timinings 19:51:05 From sharon coney : The Mayor can do something.. 19:51:22 From Amit441 : yes Mayor can do it 19:52:08 From sharon coney : The president of the board needs to go as well. h is useless and invisible.. 19:52:46 From Amit441 : I have not seen any Board where President Do not live in a community and he is president of community. 19:53:19 From Sean : I need to drop. Other than signing the petition is there anything else expected from me? 19:53:29 From iPhone (4) : don’t the bylaws state you have to be a resident? 19:53:53 From Sean : I thought - owner doesn't have to be a resident. 19:53:54 From Amit441 : Bylaws are amended as suited to Board 19:54:21 From Amit441 : Only Resident owner should be allowed to be Board Member 19:54:26 From iPhone (4) : should be suited by the owners 19:54:37 From Jules : what's the link to the town and country website 19:55:03 From Amit441 : https://auth.frontsteps.com/login?state=hKFo2SA1dXVXSWVUdDdJalF3QVYyZVFHQnpCSlNKb0FhbVAyX6FupWxvZ2luo3RpZNkgUWxoSkg3N2E4Uk96M0xsLWtheWt0aGl3WjVKVWY2eDSjY2lk2SA4ZGVCY1RWU253aXpqUExocThONjJXSnVHYm9vV2hiSA&client=8deBcTVSnwizjPLhq8N62WJuGbooWhbH&protocol=oauth2&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fm.frontsteps.com%2Fauth&audience=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.frontsteps.com%2Fv2&scope=openid%20profile%20email&response_type=code&response_mode=query&nonce=fjFXNExZWElabkVrVC5UUjFwdjFpQk5OVnFPdEtidUxNeDc2NDNfYUtiSg%3D%3D&code_challenge=uSwqhQDgvCbSD6kll8gVCFhKEOLqqLcgG_q5dMOWFm4&code_challenge_method=S256&auth0Client=eyJuYW1lIjoiYXV0aDAtc3BhLWpzIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6IjEuMTEuMCJ9 19:55:25 From pao : if the board resigns that would show the Mayor and the Town that we are serious about getting this resolved. 19:55:39 From Robert Hackett : We have issues with our Board not being responsive to membership. Who authorized canceling past SHP projects voted by majority of membership? Resolve that, then appeal to township. 19:55:53 From sharon coney : totally agree 19:56:13 From iPhoneRB : http://www.towneandcountrypropertymanagement.com 19:57:07 From Amit441 : https://auth.frontsteps.com/login?state=hKFo2SAxbjNILUhQS2IyeVdUNGdqNVJ1Y243UkpLSDBGYXFaMaFupWxvZ2luo3RpZNkgNXZiRThZVkJsUVN6VDZ3VWc0NEFQMWgzQlYzUGI3Vm2jY2lk2SAxMTZLd2pWeGtZbmZDSHoxMW16a2JTeDhqQWJCbWtvWA&client=116KwjVxkYnfCHz11mzkbSx8jAbBmkoX&protocol=oauth2&auth0Client=eyJuYW1lIjoib21uaWF1dGgtYXV0aDAiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiMi4wLjAifQ%3D%3D&connection=company-users-and-users&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fapp.frontsteps.com%2Fauth%2Fauth0%2Fcallback%3Fallow_get_support%3Dfalse%26disable_signup%3Dtrue&response_type=code&scope=openid%20profile%20email 19:57:33 From Amit441 : Board members are voting BLINDLY LIKE Patty 19:57:43 From Amit441 : I vote for Syed 19:57:47 From Steve : SYED FOR BOARD ! 19:58:01 From Brian McGeough : SYED and KEVIN are definites 19:58:01 From Robert Hackett : Step by step: soil analysis 1st. Structure to resolve follows. 19:58:10 From Amit441 : We need Board members who are willing to work for Residents 19:58:17 From yyhch_000 : Syed for board!! 19:58:37 From Robert Hackett : How does Tong Zhou get votes? 19:58:40 From Amit441 : Board President is living in Florida, President had conflict of interest by having Linda working in office . 19:58:53 From iPhone (4) : we need to be unified as homeoners 19:59:02 From iPhoneRB : Agree 19:59:39 From iPhone (4) : where can i receive a copy of the bylaws? 20:00:01 From Robert Hackett : Unity yes. Sign removal petition. 20:00:02 From Dave ungco : I can talk to the mayor depending the time 20:00:10 From iPhone (4) : how many people rent in this development? what percentage? 20:00:16 From Amit441 : All home owners are requested to Call Mayor 20:00:39 From Amit441 : 50% or more... if all renters are revoked their voting rights - Board will never win 20:01:01 From iPhone (4) : Agree 20:01:18 From john’s iPhone : Kevin contact me later 732-754-9627 20:01:30 From Robert Hackett : Need to canvas door to door to encourage removal of Board members. 20:01:41 From pao : Construction companies will pay for fill dirt and haul it away. 20:01:45 From Amit441 : 750K is going in pockets of Towne/Country buddies... It is clear that there is NO transparency 20:01:46 From Brian McGeough : In our condo the owners of the unit are the only people allowed to vote 20:03:17 From Amit441 : What is the Deliverable timelines ?? 20:03:55 From Mohi syed : 862-812-3870 20:04:07 From Mohi syed : Mohiuddin Syed 20:04:32 From iPhone (4) : focus on soil 20:04:49 From Amit441 : @syed @ahmed - please keep all informed once you get needed details ….. 20:05:51 From iPhone (4) : go back to basics test soil then get quotes….. 20:06:07 From iPhone (4) : then continue to look for other vendors 20:06:29 From Amit441 : @Vinnie - this is something all should be asking this questions together to Stacey/ Towne&Country. 20:06:58 From iPhone (4) : what is the association web site 20:07:14 From Amit441 : https://www.savethehill.org/cgi-bin/index.cgi?articleid=40 20:07:51 From Amit441 : Any Resident can visit this website... 20:08:26 From Amit441 : This website is visited more by Board members and Towne & Country Than residents..... 20:09:02 From iPhone (4) : there are obviously some conflicts 20:09:10 From pao : FOIA freedom of information act 20:09:29 From Ishaan Mirza(503 Vernon Ct) : they are hiding things 20:09:38 From Kathy : Kevin post all information on estimates, bids, soil samples etc. on savethehill.com 20:09:39 From Ahmed Sharif : I volunteer 20:09:42 From Amit441 : There is big conflict of interest 20:10:23 From Kathy : That way everyone can review if they like. 20:10:23 From Amit441 : There should be UNIFIED effort by all of us 20:11:21 From iPhoneRB : Conflicts - most definitely. Agree, it appears that the current board is finding creative ways to rip us home owners 20:12:10 From Mohi syed : I'm interested in joining conversation with mayor 20:12:37 From Amit441 : Sure - we will keep all informed on it 20:13:05 From Amit441 : I am in 20:13:31 From Mohi syed : thanks have a good one 20:13:40 From Ishaan Mirza(503 Vernon Ct) : need to leave. thanks. 20:14:05 From iPhoneRB : Agree to whoever is speaking. This board cannot be trusted. 20:14:09 From iPhone (4) : we need to visit the bylaws as well board should not vote alone on bylaws homeowners need to be the votes to change bylaws to live and make rules of complex!!!! our books should be audited as well to ensure money is appropriated properly. 20:14:23 From Amit441 : This board is full of conspiracy . 20:14:47 From iPhone (4) : We need to start from the top 20:15:49 From iPhone (4) : we have years of surplus where is the money? 20:15:49 From Anthony Blanco : These are the people managing our HOA and budget!!! 20:16:20 From Amit441 : We have nice Board member who is elected last year who got more votes than other board members... where is he ? 20:16:30 From Amit441 : I am in legal action 20:16:33 From Amit441 : I VOTE 20:16:37 From Ishaan Mirza(503 Vernon Ct) : yes, we need to legal action 20:16:45 From iPhoneRB : Agreed 20:16:58 From iPhone (4) : tee need to have replacements ready to go 20:17:01 From Monil Shah : Agreed we need legal action 20:17:21 From iPhone (4) : books should be audited 20:17:39 From Amit441 : this management will not show books 20:17:42 From sharon coney : we need to vote them out. 20:17:45 From Dave ungco : I thought thats why we signed the petitions? 20:17:51 From iPhone (4) : That is a problem 20:18:10 From iPhone (4) : let’s play nice in the sand box 20:18:22 From sharon coney : you like Tom though 20:18:22 From iPhone (4) : we can always change management company 20:18:27 From iPhone (4) : or their ataff 20:18:43 From Amit441 : I vote for SYED 20:18:53 From iPhone (4) : play nice!!!!! 20:18:58 From Robert Hackett : Oust Board, then oust T&C, then amend ByLaws to assure fair elections. 20:18:58 From Amit441 : I vote for anyone other than this guys 20:19:05 From Amit441 : stay on AGENDA 20:19:13 From iPhone (4) : board should be resident’s 20:19:14 From Adnan Munir : We want Syed 20:19:30 From Brian McGeough : Make sure you get the signatures you need . I am printing to sign and will send to you Kevin. 20:19:34 From Ryan Guasp : Beryllium contamination is higher than 2 mg / kg of soil in NJ 20:20:24 From iPhone (4) : also need to get involved 20:20:49 From Robert Hackett : Zoom Board meetings only permit 75 attendees. 20:20:54 From iPhone (4) : are the meetings there? 20:21:07 From iPhone (4) : agree 20:21:07 From Dave ungco : No all meetings on zoom 20:21:22 From Amit441 : Action items : We need SOIL report , All bids from Towne/Country 20:21:23 From Dave ungco : But yes meetings should be in person 20:21:57 From Brian McGeough : That is ridiculous. EVERY OWNER who wants to join a BOARD MEETING SHOULD BE ABLE TO. This BOARD SOUNDS LIKE IT MUST GO. WE NEED NEW SMART, THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE. 20:22:11 From iPhone (4) : agreed! 20:22:12 From Amit441 : this board is joke 20:22:17 From Bowu : Previous SHP board meetings date/time was notified via email. But last SHP board meeting was not announced via email just posted on the on-line portal. 20:22:49 From iPhone (4) : are the roofs going to be completed as scheduled or will this soil project postpone it 20:23:11 From Amit441 : this board will not stop until they are removed... 20:23:16 From Brian McGeough : I am a new owner. As we are ALL OWNERS this is our hard earned money and our investment. IF THE BOARD does not represent us and RUN this place properly then they must GO. I wondered why all the GRASS IS DEAD. 20:23:38 From Ladylaura : Plenty of abandoned cars 20:23:41 From Ladylaura : I agree 20:24:08 From iPhone (4) : just tow them at the owners expense easy 20:24:09 From Amit441 : Lets go back to agenda 20:24:33 From Ladylaura : Tow company only works if Stacey calls them and she never does 20:24:35 From Amit441 : Follow this website 20:24:44 From Brian McGeough : THERE must be people here in our Community that can offer their talents to be on our Board. Syed is #1, Kevin, How about someone with a finance, CPA background? 20:24:45 From Amit441 : https://www.savethehill.org/cgi-bin/index.cgi?articleid=40 20:24:55 From iPhone (4) : fire her! easy solution get someone that wants to work 20:25:27 From Amit441 : Talk to your neighbours and get all sign the petition and DO NOT PAY 2000 20:25:43 From Brian McGeough : Someone should have a complete list of all owners with their e-mails that is accurate. 20:25:48 From Amit441 : Stacey is collecting free money 20:25:55 From Monil Shah : Can I help make petition online? Just a QR code? 20:25:59 From iPhone (4) : she hs to go 20:26:15 From Ladylaura : 120K to not answer any emails 20:26:18 From Brian McGeough : Kevin- If you give me phone numbers I will call the owners and help get the list. 20:26:19 From Ladylaura : unbeliveable 20:26:43 From Amit441 : and also add the money for T/C as management fees and also add the money for Linda for book-keeping 20:26:43 From Robert Hackett : Board unilaterally killed membership approved project resulting in this spoils issue! 20:26:44 From iPhone (4) : she has to be fired! 20:26:54 From Brian McGeough : OK SO BOARD HAS TO GO and the BOARD WILL THEN HIRE GOOD PEOPLE. 20:26:55 From iPhone (4) : we got this! 20:27:12 From Amit441 : WE NEED SUPPORT FROM EVERY HOME OWNER 20:27:50 From Dave ungco : Beware too someone said there are ppl opposing the petitions… 20:28:05 From iPhone (4) : how many landlords own units they have no interest they write it off we need to collect our fines to pay for projects! 20:28:06 From Robert Hackett : Sign and submit petitions. Speak to issues and convince others to do the same. 20:28:20 From Amit441 : Every home owner should talk to their neighbors and spread awareness 20:28:29 From Amit441 : Use social media to spread what is happening to us 20:28:51 From Bowu : Get the petition signed. 20:28:58 From Amit441 : use twitter or Instagram to share your stories with your friends so that message reaches to Mayor / NJ State 20:29:05 From iPhone (4) : good planning let’s keep our efforts focused 20:29:17 From iPhone (4) : without conflicts 20:29:20 From Robert Hackett : Landlords are not in favor of $2000 levy. 20:29:29 From iPhone (4) : call EPA 20:29:31 From Bowu : Kevin could you share the group you mentioned earlier at beginning of the meeting and email notification sign-up? Thanks! 20:30:22 From iPhone (4) : worth it to make sure we do not pay for something we don’t need to 20:30:38 From Robert Hackett : DEP labs are certified. Not much variation. Waste of money to replicate analyses. 20:30:55 From Brian McGeough : IF YOU ARE TAKING A NEW SAMPLE the Moyi Syed can help with his contacts. 20:31:10 From iPhone (4) : let’s visit the current budget! 20:31:31 From iPhone (4) : when the naps is sued we all pay! 20:31:55 From iPhone (4) : no matter what the homeowners pay 20:32:10 From Amit441 : they will never 20:32:17 From Amit441 : Board is making money out of it 20:32:55 From Amit441 : This management company use to run several communities and now they are left with few due their reputation. 20:33:09 From Amit441 : All home owners should be united.. 20:33:28 From iPhone (4) : why don’t you check other neighborhoods that are aucccessful like East Brunswick Society Holl 1&2 they have good management companies 20:34:07 From Robert Hackett : /board and Maintenance Corp have interests contrary to SHP membership. 20:34:58 From iPhone (4) : if he president is a landlord they write off the maintenance fees they do not have a vested interest in our complex 20:35:41 From iPhone (4) : call town and country to a meeting make them explain! 20:36:50 From iPhone (4) : fines are a way to make money for the development dryer vents and fireplaces inspected and cleaned every two years if not done fine them 20:37:31 From iPhone (4) : where is the surplus 20:37:37 From Amit441 : Towne/country is making money 20:37:58 From iPhone (4) : where is the money????? 20:38:48 From iPhone (4) : do not renew their contract 20:38:55 From iPhone (4) : agreed 20:39:17 From iPhone (4) : unacceptable! 20:39:36 From iPhone (4) : like congress they vote but the people auffer 20:39:40 From iPhone (4) : suffer 20:39:54 From iPhone (4) : pressure has to be placed on board members 20:40:33 From iPhone (4) : limit renters!!! we need more vested homeowners too many landlords 20:41:24 From iPhone (4) : tenants do not care about the complex 20:42:25 From iPhone (4) : they r a liability need to limit East Brunswick bylaws do not allow more than 10 percent to be rented! the neighborhood makes a difference 20:42:51 From iPhone (4) : we need to review bylaws so hard does not have more control than the owners of the properties 20:43:07 From iPhone (4) : board 20:43:25 From iPhone (4) : that is a huge problem to fix the issues 20:43:46 From iPhone (4) : correct landlords are absent owners 20:43:59 From iPhone (4) : does not affect their lifestyle living here 20:45:49 From iPhone (4) : something smells rotten 20:45:59 From iPhone (4) : all around 20:46:13 From iPhone (4) : kick backs 20:47:56 From iPhone (4) : thank you all we will support you as a homeowner! 20:49:40 From iPhone (4) : can u also include on the website 20:50:32 From Steve : Still waiting on the letter/postcard regarding dryer vent mandatory for us to do 20:50:55 From iPhone (4) : renters will cause fires! 20:51:05 From iPhone (4) : it has happened in the past 20:51:13 From Amit441 : https://www.savethehill.org/ 20:51:27 From iPhone (4) : thank you 20:51:31 From Bowu : I guess you have to update the address with Stacey or the staff to reflect your mailing address as homeowners. Maybe the letters were sent to the former homeowners. 20:51:33 From Lily : thank you 20:51:46 From yyhch_000 : Thanks! 20:52:12 From Lily : thank you Kevin 20:52:18 From Bowu : Thank you Kevin and everyone!